Sankey Joggers Park

Since the last 4-5 years I was making an unsuccesful attempt in trying to gain weight. I stand 5 feet 10 inches tall and have to be anywhere between 65 - 70 Kgs. But I was in the low fifties throught these years. I started working soon after college from August 2004. Time flew fast as it always does. Fast forward to Jan 25 2005. I made a resolution that I am gonna gain weight in a scientific healthy manner. I prepared a high protein diet chart which I had done many years ago , but had failed to implement it. I got a cycle from my friend . From january 26 my lifestyle changed which was getting up early in the morning goin for cycling n jogging to sanke tank and a very nutritious n a high protein n calorie diet. Within a month I gained 13 kgs and now am a very healthy 65 kgs. So what I conclude from this is, nothing in life is impossible. It just requires a proper planning, consistensy, dedication and will power to achieve it.
The snap was shot during one of my jogging session. It is abuzz with morning walkers n joggers from around 5 AM in the morning. This joggers park is located in Sadashivnagar and was renovated abt a year ago at the cost of around 2 crores. Its worth coming here bcos after all health is wealth. First care for your body, its then that u can care for someone else
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