Chaotic - A Pictorial Analysis

This is the West of Chord Road and the situation in almost all the roads of Bangalore today is exactly like this or worse. If action is not taken at this point of time which is already late, we are heading towards a catastrophe.
Observations to be made from the picture.
1> Too many autorickshaws
2> A bullock cart which is serving as a hindarance for the smooth flow of traffic.
3> Presence of HMV (Heavy Motor Vehicles) in city limits
4> Lane discipline ignored
5> Lack of discipline by Pedestrians - Observe the Lady (Bottom Right)
Rules to be Implemented to restore order
1> ELIMINATE all the Autorickshaws . Accomodate the Auto drivers into other suitable jobs.
2> ELIMINATE all the animal driven carts like horse carts, bullock carts.
3> BAN the HMV's from city roads, except the public transport vehicles. Allow the lorries and trucks to ply only on the ring roads. In extreme cases like transporting construction material to cities, allow the HMV's by levying a certain road usage fee.
4> INSTILL stirct lane discipline.Though this is impractical in todays Bangalore Roads with a turn every 100 meters, minimal discipline can be followed by grouping the two wheelers and four wheelers into roughly two lanes.
5> MAINTAIN usable pavements on all roads for pedestrains.
To implement all this is impossible if not for a Strict Extremist Government. We need a man like Hitler ( atleast we will be compelled to follow rules ) or our very own Bala Thackeray should be given the sole control of the whole country. If not on formaulation of every new rule there will be a hundred strikes/protests by the various groups and the rules will never be implemented.
The situation today almost everywhere is going Out of Control and its better late than never to implement STRICT EXTREMIST RULES.
Unedited Picture
10 Opinions:
Wow that's almost hitler like rules!!!
Its easy to say a lot of things... but do remember we're in a country that has an ever overflowing population and each has a dying need to survive...
the autorickshaws and the bullock carts are the sign of India..they are an important part of income for a certain class of people...
I dont agree that the world is meant for all rich and higher middle class people who have a high paying job and a wonderful lifestyle...
I dont agree that the roads are the ownus of those who own these fancy cars....
The only thing that bangalore has to accept is that THIS IS STILL INDIA...dont attempt to make it MANHATTAN!
I know what I have put forth will never be implemented in real life. But think practically, just because they were signs of India ( then the situation was in control - not so many load on the roads as now ) they cannot be allowed to ply when they are the major cause for pollution n a major hindarance for smooth vehicular flow.
n its not a matter of rich n poor. its a matter of DISCIPLINE. There are hundereds of ways to accomodate the unemployed. But for all this as I said earlier, there is a need for a STRICT dictator which looks very improbable in todays corrupt situation
I guess we are destined to live this way
Though what you suggest seems is a hard fact that something is needed or else the degradation will just accelerate. Eveybody today is just willing to talk and complain but dont spend a minute to think of possibilities of improvement. We complain and then take refuge under the umbrella of being the Silicon Valley of the east when actually we should be under the umbrella of being the Garden City!! I always felt a dictator for a few years ( with the right interests of course )would do wonders... It is appreciable that you actually sat down to note all these points from the photo....else we would have just enjoyed this photo as another wonderful photo from the Karthik LG stable :-)
hold it. autos are cheaper than cabs, and so a better way to get around. keep the autos. i love autos ;)
It doesnt even look like WOCR ... Traffic discipline needs improvement in Bangalore for sure!
Dont you think providing separate lanes for autos might be more better than eliminating them!
Karthik agree on the points.
But may be a separate third lane for auto's and banning them from plying in some highly congested road (like Brigade Road).
Entry of lorries in City limits only allowed from 10:00 pm in night to 8:00 am in morning (in place of total ban). This has already been implemented in lot of Indian cities.
But I was shocked with your next post - controlling camera and steering at the same time, and may be that shows the root cause of the problem - we complain about others and just don't look at ourselves.
karthik - I totally agree with u
Aashish - No autos dude, they make a lot of noise n emit a lottof smoke.
Gayathri - There is no space for two lanes itself, then how three.
So autos HAVE to be out for bangloreans relief and for the benefit of ppl who r dependant of autos, the cab prices will be reduced. The auto drivers will be accomodated into other jobs.
Jobs ?? I mwan aintaining the road infrastructure, public property, parks, fining ppl who stick bills/posters on walls... the list can go on
Rahul - I dunno why ppl r so much behind the noisy polluting autorickshaws.
Ur suggestion of 10pm - 8am can be altered to 10pm to 6 am ( in order to make it safr for morning walkers/joggers ) and implemented
Major discussion has happened here..Hope things do improve in our country.. The youth should voice their opinions, then only things can work.
Karthik, we should always be change we want. Don't expect a dictator or Bal Thackeray to make the changes. With the limited power Bal Thackeray has on Mumbai, he has amassed enormous amount of wealth, just imagine what would happen if he or anyone else were to be given absolute power. As "they" say we get only what we deserve.
Are you ready to give up your job as software professional and plunge into politcs? If the answer is no then stop preaching.
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