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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bengalooru is halted

Sadhashivnagar Road

It was a normal sunny Wednesday summer afternoon. The day was April 12 2006. I was not in office that time. I had just finished sending off a momentous hot headed mail to my team lead and project manager. I came downstairs to settle in front of the idiot box and laze away with a boring afternoon soap. What do I see? The news of the demise of the Natasarvabhauma Dr Rajkumar was flashing on all News Channels. It was around 3 PM. Within minutes the news spread like wild fire.

There were SMS's, Phone calls and News alerts advising people to rush home as tension and 'violent' expressions of grief was anticipated. All the shops downed their shutters, IT Companies closed immediately and roads became empty and the mischief makers took to the street looking to take advantage of the situation. I got a call from my friend asking me to come to his office and pick him up. I rushed off on my bike. The streets were tensed with anxious people looking to reach home safety. There was an air of grief and tension at the same time.

The road leading to Dr Rajkumars House

Palace Grounds Road

The whole city was halted for 2 days and there was a loss of huge amounts of money and property and even some lives .... which the legend of Kannada - Indian Cinema would not have dreamt in his wildest dreams.

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