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Monday, December 05, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Waiting to be Pinned !!!

I was down with fever today & stayed at home. My desire of wanting to photograph single objects ( Inspired after seeing Nish ) was realised today.
Seeing this Stapler reminds me of an old incident which happened when I was stydying 2nd semester of Engineering in UVCE. We had this subject called Mechanical Engineering Science which was handled by a lecturer whose name I dont remember. As is the case always, most of us ended up with shortage in attendance. Mr Lecturer wanted to capitalise on this and ordered each one to get some stationary items like stamps, inland letters, postcards, crocin - yes crocin tablets, refills etc or else pay up with the fine while collecting the hall ticket. This supposedly was for his stationary shop aka chilre angadi which he had setup in his home town in Hoskote. I too who was in the shortage list gave him a stapler ( including a box of pins ) even though he had not asked for it .
Old memories revisited :)
© Karthik L G at Thursday, December 01, 2005 4 Opinions