A memorable Saturday Debacle !
2010 Saturday Ayudha Pooja on the highways with my best bud - first time on the NICE road - Flat tyres twice - peaceful laid back rural life - tasty roadside food - a visit to the scenic Mekhedaatu left incomplete, were perfect ingredients for a memorable day.

The first flat tyre, being fixed by Karim Bhai. As luck would have it, the shop was within a few meters where the tyre flattened out. It was not a surprise as Harsha was expecting this even before we set out.

The little girl next to the puncture shop, only about 10 years young, was managing her dad's grocery shop all alone.

We could just get a glimpse of the place, as the tyre went bad again, very close to the destination. This time we had to wait for a couple of hours before we could hitch a ride in a 10 seater autorickshaw along with Harsha's bike. We were left off to the nearest village 10 Kms away. After getting it fixed, we set off to Bangalore.

We could just get a glimpse of the place, as the tyre went bad again, very close to the destination. This time we had to wait for a couple of hours before we could hitch a ride in a 10 seater autorickshaw along with Harsha's bike. We were left off to the nearest village 10 Kms away. After getting it fixed, we set off to Bangalore.