Ride to the sacred Hills !!!

Almost six years since that youthful crazy ride on the wheels to the Tirumala hills with my ever reliable closest buddy. I had vowed to never ride on two wheels along this side of the NH4 to South India's most thronged pilgrim place, after that unforgettable trip had almost cost us our lives.
When I failed to find harmony with my Dad, I decided to break my vow and find solace riding to the lord, on my horse. I was in great turmoil whether to do it or not, more so after the rains, the night before I left. Leaving everything to the lord, I embarked on the solo journey to the hills at 6 AM on the Friday August 13 2010. Despite the consistent drizzle, I galloped steadily on my CB Twister. The difference between the 2004 and 2010 ride was that I was well equipped with the right safety gear necessary for such long rides. The drizzle turned into a steady incessant downpour which almost threatened to make me head back home. Something made me persist and ride along. By the time I reached Kolar at about 7-30 AM the rains had completely stopped. Overall the 300 Kms ride to the hills on my bike with the music from my IPod for company and the huge trekker backpack serving as a cushion for my back, made the 6 hour ride quiet a comfortable experience. There was this one stretch somewhere in Andhra Pradesh, where butterflies came crashing on to the helmet visor and many wasps collided, stinging through the jacket. Amidst all this, the wonderful music and myriad thoughts all along the way, made it a rejuvenating ride.
It was at about 1 PM that I reached on top of the Tirumala hills. I discovered that there was no accommodation on the hills for single visitors. I had to get down and luckily found a nice lodging just at the very foot of the hills. After some rest and bath, I went on top for the Darshan of the lord, which was the best I have had till date. It is a very touching experience every time you get to see the lord. Those few seconds that we get to see Lord Venkateshwara, notwithstanding all the hardships - the long queues et al, makes it worthwhile and fulfilling. I came back to my room for the night. Early next morning, I rode to the hills for the third time within 24 hours and I should say it was a heavenly experience. I left back to home at about 11 AM. It was 4 PM before I reached Bangalore. All in all, the 700+ Km ride was an experience to cherish and there might be an another one coming soon !!!

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