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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Golden Gate Bridge

Here are some pictures of the Golden gate bridge from various angles during a visit in August 2008.

First pictures from inside my car.

The most visited spot Golden Gate Vista point.

It was a very pleasant day, a perfect day for a visit. The weather in San Francisco tends to fluctuate a lot. The bridge in the background is the Bay Bridge. I think the logo of the Cisco company is modelled on this.

A walk along the 2.7 Km bridge was thoroughly enjoyed by my friend and myself.

Golden Gate bridge construction credits.

A serious hobby photographer engrossed in capturing the bridge

Shot from inside the memento shop.

Statue of Joseph Strauss, Chief Engineer of the bridge

South pillar seen from walkway.

Traffic round the clock - On an average day 120,000 vehicles cross the bridge.

South vista point view.

More Info on wiki

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